

In 1972,  after an American training,  I started  with growing potatoes, grain, sugar beets and rapeseeds  in the Netherlands. I have been active in Dutch agriculture for 16 years. Last 8 years I worked at growing seed potatoes of classes S, SE, E as a manager.

In 1988, I was asked by the biggest Dutch Agricultural Cooperation to start    their first potato- vegetable project in the Soviet Union. We used West European agricultural equipment  there.

The mentioned project was so successful, that it resulted  in 170 projects in different parts of the CIS-countries during  last 16 years.

Last 2 years I was also hired by the biggest world chips factory in Russia as a consultant for growing chips and French fried potatoes.






Consultation and installation of delivered equipment  is managed to be done at the hole territory of Russia (from Moscow till Siberia, from the North region of Komi till the Southern region of Krasnodar).

Except Russia, consultations are done in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Moldavia, Georgia and Byelorussia.

Also many business trips are made for consultations in China.